The IGU/C World Conference
of on Marginalization, Globalization and Regional and Local Response
August 20-25, 2007
Hokkai School of Commerce, Kitami, Japan
Conference Theme: Critical reflections on Local and Regional Responses: Perspectives from the North and the South
19 August: Arrival in Kitami, Hokkaido
20: Plenary (morning), Parallel Sessions (afternoon, evening)
21: Parallel Sessions (morning, afternoon, evening)
22: Parallel Sessions (morning), Plenary (afternoon), Excursion (Evening; from the Suburbs of Kitami City to Abashiri City)
23-25: Excursion (ends on evening of the 25th in front of Memanbetsu Airport)
Policy Research Institute, Hokkai School of Commerce
235 Hokkou, Kitami City, Hokkaido 090-8555, Japan
Focus and Scope of the Conference:
Commission 04.27 has as its focus the goal of researching and comparing the marginalization and regional/local responses in various areas both rural and urban around the world. One of the main dimensions of marginalization is the economic one, which is often associated with the effects of the spread of capitalism word wide. Globalization, that is, the simultaneous integration of economic factors/fluctuations all over the world is a good example of this. The local/regional effects and responses occur differently around the world due to the local/regional natures and situations. The function of industries, the role of the small and medium-sized cities, entrepreneurship and so on constitute a key part of this sub-theme. These kinds of topics will be summarized as economic research in general.
Commission 04.27 also has the tradition of focusing upon the marginalization and regional/local response to it from the viewpoints of cultural, ecological, historical, psychological and so on. The regional comparisons and the frame of reference upon these topics are expected to pursue.
When considering the successful regional/local responses for a sustainable society, both the tangible and intangible assets and resources and their management play important roles. In this sense, the topic of the suitable management of local/regional resources and heritages constitutes one of main sub-themes. Social capital in contemporary society and its temporal dynamics and areal differentiation also are one sub-theme. Their role and management in the post-industrial society and in the knowledge society may also become a topic to be touched upon.
In contemporary society we see the strong impact and function of the politics and regional policies. If we look carefully, we will notice a lot of policies weave a web in a society. Not only agricultural and forestry policies as well as industrial policies, but also regional policies such as the policies for less favoured areas cover and function in the contemporary world. Critical comparative reflections on them will constitute a topic of interest, too.
The restructuring and innovative responses of the communities are taking place in many countries. In several countries the merger/amalgamation or the cooperation of the administrative corporations are taking place. In many countries various struggles for the community governance are tied together such as in cooperation with informal/voluntary sectors and in the system of partnership among several organizations. The principles such as social inclusion/exclusion, community involvement, the sense of belonging and empowerment all fall within the same category. Elderly care welfare, redundancies, social networks and the creative communication systems are typical topics of this branch. All of these relate to the topic of community development as social/sociological study in general.
Papers of both theoretical and empirical nature are welcome. The scales of the study area range from local, to regional, national and international. While any scale may be the focus, comparison between countries (regions, or continents, that is, at the same scale) will be particularly welcomed. Among topics of interest above mentioned (but not limited to) are:
Rural, Urban, and Rural-Urban Development (also including the Role
of Industry, the Role of Medium and Small-Sized Cities, Opportunities and
Mechanism to Escape from the Marginalization, (and associated Economic considerations
in general)
The Restrictions
and Structures of Marginalization induced by Economic Globalization, and
associated Cultural, Historical, Psychological Factors etc.
Sustainable Management of Local/Regional Resources and Heritage
The Role of
Social Capital in Contemporary Society and Its Temporal Dynamics/Areal
The Role and
Perspective of Politics and Regional Policies in Contemporary Society
Community Development and associated issues of Governance,
Voluntarism, Partnership and so forth, that is, Social Studies in general
20 |
9:00 Plenary at main hall, 8F |
Opening greeting: Yasutaka Matsuo Welcoming speech: Masao Morimoto 2007 IGU/C 04.27 meetingfs opening address: Etienne Nel Keynote lectures: Walter Leimgruber, Towards a better world? Joining the forces to overcome deadlocks Jørgen Amdam, Commune structure- consequences for welfare production and regional development Toshio Kuroyanagi, Depopulation and
countermeasures |
Lunch at seminar room, 8F |
13:30 Session 1A : Chair Bradley
Cullen at 3403 room, 4F |
Etienne Nel, South Africa's Karoo: A study of economic marginalization and demographic change in South Africa's semi-arid interior Discussant:
Woo-kung Huh Bae-Gyoon Park, Multi-scalar politics of globalization: politics of local economic development, spatially selective liberalization and the development of "special economic zones" in South Korea Discussant: Christian
M. Rogerson Jamalunlaili Abdullah, Globalization, Industrialization and Privatization: Impacts on Urban and Regional Development in Malaysia Discussant: Bae-Gyoon
Park |
13:30 Session 1C : Chair Lars Westin at 3404 room, 4F |
Kiyoshi Kobayashi: Economic sustainability of family farming in sparsely marginal areas Discussant:
Lars Westin Hans Westlund: Social capital as a driving force for local development and social economy entrepreneurship - a qualitative study based on Swedish examples Discussant:
Tetsuji Uemura Tetsuji Uemura: The forest resources and the forestry labour market in the Nichinan town in 30 years predicted by the framework of the accounting for forest management Discussant:
Katsuhisa Ito |
Coffee Break at lounge, 8F |
15:30 Session 2A : Chair Takeko Iinuma at 3403 room, 4F |
Pushkar K. Pradhan, Role of small market towns in rural-urban linkage development in the eastern hill area of Nepal Discussant:
Walter Zsilinscsar Walter Zsilinscsar, The role and perspective communal cooperation policy in Austria Discussant: Pushkar
K. Pradhan Christian M. Rogerson, Budget tourism and local economic developments in peripheral regions: Backpacking in South Africa Discussant: Roongchon Boonnudda |
15:30 Session 2C : Chair Katsuhisa Ito at 3404 room, 4F |
Taka Ueda: Some approaches to mathematical modeling of social capital ?interpretation as collective learning Discussant:
Hans Westlund Lars Westin: Media, place, and social capital Discussant:
Taka Ueda Kakuya Matsushima: A study on general equilibrium models with firm-household complex Discussant:
Mikiharu Arimura |
August 21 |
9:00 Session 3A :Chair Pushkar K. Pradhan at 3404 room, 4F |
Yasutaka Matsuo, Ways out of the difficulties in agriculture in Japan Discussant:
Raghubir Chand Vít Jančák, Human capital in agricultural marginal regions in Czechia Discussant:
Daichi Kohmoto Daichi Kohmoto, Farmer's Attitudes toward the Promotion of Organic Agriculture in Sri Lankan Village: One Local Response to the Marginalization and Globalization Discussant: Salleh Daim |
9:00 Session 3B :Chair Walter Leimgruber at 3406 room, 4F |
Donald Lynch, The North or Polar Regions: Factors of changing marginality Discussant:
Walter Leimgruber Samuele Patelli, Perceptions of marginality: the predominant role of historical, cultural, and psychological factors Discussant: Jørgen
Amdam Tomáš Havlīček, Human and social capital in peripheral regions in Czechia Discussant:
Donald Lynch |
9:00 Session 3C : Chair Taka Ueda at 3404 room, 4F |
Katsuhisa Ito: The social capitals and the change of community functions in depopulation areas- from the case study of 12 communities in san-in district - Discussant:
Martin Paju Anette Forsberg: Learning for active citizenship - local development in urban and rural areas Discussant:
Tohru Tamura Nozomi Kaminaga: The consideration of the factors giving satisfaction to local residents in case of Nnichinan town Discussant:
Anette Forsberg |
Coffee Break at lounge, 8F |
11:00 Session 4A : Chair Stanko Pelc at 3403 room, 4F |
Ralf Blumenthal and Walter Leimgruber, Microfinance and the fight against poverty Discussant: Vít
Jančák Takeko Iinuma, A Global Paradigm of Participatory Development and Local Interactions: Cases of Development Assistance in Laos Discussant:
Ruth Kark |
11:00 Session 4C : Chair Hans Westlund at 3404 room, 4F |
Kenji Tsutsumi: Social ties and social capital in areas under shrinking and marginalization process in Japan Discussant:
Lisa Frobel Martin Paju: Cultural heritage as a catalyst for cooperation between municipalities Discussant:
Kenji Tsutsumi |
12:00 Lunch at seminar room, 8F |
3:30 Ainu Session :Chair Yasutaka Matsuo at main hall, 8F |
Tokuhei Akibe, Ainu people in modern and contemporary ages: through the life histories of Grandfather, Mother and I Hideo Kirikae, Upward and Downward Direction --- Orientation of the Ainu Short question Workshop of Ainu articrafts |
15:30 Session 5A :Chair Alison McCleery at 3403 room, 4F |
Bradley T. Cullen, Some hazards of entrepreneurship: a case study of Albuquerque's new businesses Discussant: Padma
Chandra Poudel Padma Chandra Poudel, Trekking Tourism in Trans-Himalayan Valley of Nepal and the Response of the Marginal Community Discussant:
Stanko Pelc Steve Déry, Studying marginality through a multiscalar grid: a case study from protected areas in Vietnam Discussant: Jamalunlaili
Abdullah Salleh Daim, Indigenous Community Involvement in Protected Area Management in Krau Wildlife Reserve, Peninsular Malaysia: Issues, Concerns & Opportunities Discussant: Steve
Déry Raghubir Chand, Khengpas of eastern Bhutan: Linkages and the population mobility behaviour of a marginal community Discussant: Tomáš
Havlīček |
15:30 Session5B : Chair Donald Lynch at 3406 room, 4F |
Yuichiro Fujioka, Changes in local livestock farming related with the expansion of the national meat industry under Globalization in Namibia Discussant:
Etienne Nel Roongchon Boonnudda, City Planning and Public Participation: A Case Study of Wat Gate Area, Chiang Mai, Thailand Discussant,
Doo-Chul Kim Doo-Chul Kim, Connotation of marginality under internalization of the nation: minorities at an upland multiethnic commune in central Vietnam Discussant:
Bradley T Cullen Bindhy Wasini Pandey, Impact of climatic change on water resources in western Himalaya Discussant: Yuichiro
Fujioka |
15:30 Session 5C :Chair Kiyoshi Kobayashi At 3404 room, 4F |
Tsuyoshi Hatori: The roles of social leisure for vitalizing depopulated communities Discussant:
Malin Eriksson Risa Kawashima: Building the artificial societie model for interaction between networks and norms Discussant:
Tsuyoshi Hatori Hayeong Jeong: Protocol analysis of a public debate using facet theory Discussant: Haruna
Suzuki Haruna Suzuki: Study on Effects of Consumer Behavior on Place Attachment Discussant:
Nozomi Kaminaga |
22 |
9:00 Session 6A : Chair Etienne Nel at 3403 room, 4F |
Ruth Kark, Consequences of the Ottoman Land Law: Agrarian and Privatization processes in Palestine, 1858-1918 Discussant:
Yasutaka Matsuo Woo-kung Huh, Can information technology revive rural areas? The case of e-village in Korea and Japan Discussant: Alison
McCleery Donald Lynch, A tunnel, Oil and Gas in the Arctic: Gigantomania Again? Discussant: Bindhy
Wasini Pandey |
Session 6C : Chair Tohru Tamura at 3403 room, 4F |
Junya Fukumoto: An investigation on the roles of regional policy proposal system Discussant:
Hayeong Jeong Malin Eriksson: Social capital and community participation in the context of health promotion Discussant:
Junya Fukumoto Takato Yasuno: Lone risk analysis on diary data Discussant:
Masaru Fujii |
Coffee Break at lounge, 8F |
11:00 Session 7A : Chair Woo-kung Huh at 3403 room, 4F |
Stanko Pelc, Peripherality and marginality of Slovenian border areas along the Italian border Discussant,
Takeko Iinuma Alison McCleery, The politics of peripherality in the context of globalisation: case studies from the North and South Atlantic Discussant,
Samuele Patelli |
11:00 Session 7C : Chair Kenji Tsutsumi at 3404 room, 4F |
Masaru Fujii: Study on the possibility of achieving the sustainnable development of rural areas utilizing social capital Discussant:
Mia Lind Mia Lind: Struggle and development - deconstructing gender bias in practical socioeconomic development work Discussant:
Takato Yasuno |
Lunch: short business meeting (recognition) at seminar room, 8F.
business meeting at main hall, 8F |
13:30 Plenary at main hall, 8F |
The fruits/results The scope for the future (key date of revised paper, publication, 2008 meeting ) Concluding remarks |
End and the beginning of
Excursion (Bus comes to the parking of the venue) |
Excursion starts |
Reception desk: entrance hall, 1 F
Plenary and Ainu sessions: main hall, 8F
Parallel sessions: A.3403, B.3406, C(MARG. SC).3404, 4F
Lunch: seminar room, 8F
Coffee break: Lounge, 8F
Business meeting at noon after lunch on 22 August: main hall, 8F
Staff room: 3404, 4F
Theme: Economically depressed areas that are endowed with natural beauty attractions.
22th August:
(14:00. Bus picks the suitcases at Kitami Tohwa Hotel) - 14:30. Bus comes to the parking of the venue. The participants get on it. – 15:00. Excursion starts – 15:15. Kitami Mint Memorial Museum. Distillation. Exhibition. 16:10 –Characteristic landscapes around Kitami. - 16:40. Information Centre. Display. An example of MAFFfs rural landscape conservation policy. 17:30- Travel from Kitami to Abashiri.- 18:30. Abashiri-ko Lake Hotel. Spa(A large bath room)/bath in a room. 19:30. Dinner (Japanese cuisine).
Note) MAFF is Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries of Japan.
23th August:
7:00. Breakfast. – 7:50. Start. – 8:00. Abashiri Prison Museum. 8:50 – 9:00. Okhotsk Ryu-hyo (Drift ice) Museum. 9:40. – 9:50. Hokkaido Museum of Northern Peoples. Curator 11:50 – 12:20 Lunch at Abashiri Seafood Restaurant. 13:10. – 14:20. transparent Mashu Lake 14:50. – 15:20. Hatchery plant of salmon and trout 15:50. – 16:10. Kaiyou-dai observatory platform with a view to all directions 16:30. – 17:00. Shibetsu Salmon Museum. Curator Masaki Ichimura 18:00. – 18:30. Toyo Grand Hotel. Bath. 19:30. Dinner (Five round tables)
24th August:
7:00 Breakfast. – 8:00.Start. With lunch box for each. – 8:40. Notsuke Peninsula. Blighted trees in swamp. Border region with Russia. 9:00. – 9:45. –Bekkai-cho municipal office. Cultivation/ Land reclamation. Dairy farms. Training Institute 14:00. – 15:50. Kushiro Branch of Ainu Association of Hokkaido. Ainu ceremony/ritual. Artifacts and the facilities. Home environment for eAinuf the indigenous people. 18:00. - 18.20. Kushiro Tokyu Inn. Bath. 19:30 Dinner
25th August:
5, 6 ofclock: Voluntary tour of catch of fish at Kushiro ports: Auction of fish. At Kushiro-fukukou (near the sixth storehouse), Shinfuji port. – 8:00.Breakfast. 9:00 – 9:10- Washo grocery market. 9:30. - ,9:50. Kushiro Coal mining area. 11:00. -. 11:30. Sarubo platform to command Kushiro Marshland National Park. 12:20. – 12:30. Shibecha Hometown Museum. 12:50. – 13:40. Lunch. Mashu Plaza. 0154-82-4161. 14:40. – 14:55. Iou-zan (Mt Sulfur). Volcanic landscapes - 15:50Mihoro Pass. 16:20. – 17:00. Memanbstsu Airport.
< Business meeting & Pre-excursion>
From 16-18 August at Hakone Seminar House of Senshu University and tourist spots around there.
16-19 ofclock on 16 and 17, plus 9-10 ofclock on 18 August, the business meeting is held.
From 19 to 22 August morning:
Kitami Tohwa Hotel. Phone.0157-24-2511. Fax.0157-24-2528. Email:,
Kitami Tokyu Inn. Phone.0157-61-0109. Fax.0157-61-0381. Email.
For the night of 22 August
Hotel Abashirikoso. Phone.0152-48-2311. Fax.0152-48-2828.
For the night of 23 August
Toyo Grand Hotel. Phone.0153-73-1234. Fax.0153-73-1040.
For the night of 24 August
Kushiro Tokyu Inn. Phone.0154-22-0109. Fax.0154-24-5498
16-18 August for IGU/C members
Seminar House. 0460-83-6106
As well as the previous Conference, all efforts will be made to ensure that selected papers from the Conference are published. Detailed information will be supplied later.
Submission Information and Key Dates:
- 15 April 2007: Deadline of the submission of abstracts to Local Organizer, Yasutaka Matsuo. Title and Abstracts in Word (max 300 words) may be sent by e-mail to The abstract should include title, author(s), affiliation, complete address, phone number and e-mail address
- 15 April 2007: Final date for delegates to submit a statement of their intention whether or not to participate in the excursion of 22 - 25 August
- 10 June 2007: Closing date for payment of the registration fee, accommodation fee from 19 night-22 morning (three nights) and the 22 – 25 evening excursion fee. The charge is owed by the payer.
- 30 June 2007: Provisional programme announcement by Local Organizer
- 30 July 2007: Deadline of the submission of the completed presentation papers to the Local Organizer. The Local Organizing Committee will prepare the necessary number of copies of the papers submitted by this day. After this day, the presenter will need to bring the required number of copies with him/her.
- 5 August 2007: Discussants appointed. Details will be shown on the homepage and an email will be sent to inform him/her of it by the Local Organizer.
- 19 August 2007: Delegates arrive in Kitami.
- 20-25 August 2007: Conference and Excursion
Total fee per capita for the participation in Business Meeting & Pre-Excursion at Hakone Seminar House of Senshu University and Main-Conference in Hokkaido
1. Business Meeting & Pre-Excursion from 16 to 18 August
l Transport from Narita Airport to Hakone, in Hakone, from Hakone to Shinagawa and Haneda Airport from 15 to 19 August: 1,100 + 150 + 5,500 + 190 + 610= 7,550 yen
l Toyoko-Inn Ikebukuro Kita-guchi for the night of 15 August: 7,140 yen
l Accommodation of Hakone of Senshu University from the night of 16 to the morning of 18 August with dinner and breakfast for two days. One room with three beds shared by two or three persons: 9,000 yen
l Toyoko-Inn Shignagawa Takanawa-guchi for the night of 18 August: 7,140 yen
2. Main Conference
2-1. From 19 to 22 afternoon of August
l On 19 August a flight from Haneda Airport to Memanbetsu Airport. After arriving at Memanbetsu Airport, a bus in front of the Memanbetsu airport connects to Central Kitami. After dropping the terminal bus stop, about 15 minutesf walk leads to Kitami Tohwa Hotel.
l From the night of 19 to 22 morning of August at Kitami Tohwa Hotel. Single room with breakfast: 21,600 yen
l Registration fee for the Conference at Hokkai School of Commerce, Kitami from 20 to 22 August: 12,000 yen. Registration fee includes lunches and coffee breaks.
l At the evening of 20 or 21 Dinner Party will be held at a restaurant in the suburbs of Kitami city. The guests are in charge. The fee is 4,000 yen. Financial support by Hokkai School of Commerce enables to reduce the payment to 2,000 yen.
2-2. From 22 afternoon to 25 evening of August
l Post-conference excursion to Eastern Hokkaido. Hotels are as follows: Abashiriko-sou 22nd night. Toyo Grand Hotel 23rd night. Tokyu-Inn Kushiro 24th night. Three nights including dinners and breakfasts during the excursion. 45,000 yen. The excursion ends at 17:00 of 25th in front of the Memanbetsu Airport. The cost of three lunches are added. So Total Post-excursion fee is 48,000 yen.
l Participants book themselves the airplane ticket from Memanbetsu Airport to Haneda Airport or to Kansai International Airport. Most make a flight in the late evening of 25 August.
3. Total fee
Please calculate yourself and letfs check each other.
The payment is settled by 19 August at the
place near the front desk of Kitami Tohwa Hotel/ Kitami Tokyu-Inn. At this
time, the handout is also handed.
4. Payment: to Japanese postal savings account or the bank account below.
<<The postal savings account>>
Name: g2007 IGU/C. 04.27. Local Organizing Committeeh.
Account Number: 10230-57130571. It does not have the swift code (international bank deposit number).
Address: A49 (Yasutaka Matsuo) 6th Building, Senshu University, 2-1-1 Higashimita, Tama-ku, Kawasaki-shi, Kanagawa-ken,
Postal Code: 214-0033
Nationality: Japan
As the countries to and from that the international remittances where the postal savings account is available are restricted, I also set up another bank account.
<<Bank Account>>
Name: gFukutakezaidan Kenkyujosei Matsuo Yasutakah
Bank name: Noborito Branch of Bank of Yokohama.
Swift Code: 0138, eBranch Numberf 826, and eAccount Numberf 1396362.
The charge of transactions by the postal savings/banks is owed by the payer.
If you have queries, please ask me. E-mail is and work phone number is +81.44.911.1290.
5. Note.Registration fee: 12,000 yen. Inclusive of the cost of participation, documents at hand, name card, lunches of 20th, 21st, and 22nd August, coffee break.
Fee for Accommodation from the evening of the 19th to morning of the 22nd (three nights): 21,600 yen at the. gKitami Tohwa Hotel.h (Single room with breakfast rate).
Fee for Excursion from the evening of the 22nd – evening of the 25th: 45,000 yen. (It includes the dinner and breakfast during the excursion. Lunch is not included. I sincerely hope many members will participate in the Conference and Excursion and enjoy it!) Excursion begins 15:00 on 22nd at Kitami city and ends at 17:00 of 25th at Memanbetsu Airport. If you would like to attend only part of the excursion, please write down the date and place where you would like to leave the excursion. There are airports near Nakashibetsu and Kushiro from where you can flight to Haneda Airport.
Means of Transportation: also check the link of the URL
Narita International Airport – (train. 2 and a half hours) – Haneda Airport – Memanbetsu Airport –(bus) – center of Kitami
Kansai International Airport – Memanbetsu Airport –(bus) - center of Kitami
Narita I A and Haneda A are located in Kanto District (Tokyo metropolitan area). Kansai I A is located in Kinki District (South of Osaka). The distance between Narita I A and Haneda A I is about 50 – 60 km. The distance between Narita I A (Haneda A) and Kansai I A is about 600 - 650 km.
Memanbetsu airport provides good bus service to the center of Kitami city. It also provides another bus service to other cities, so you should ask the bus driver the destination first. The cost of one-way bus is about 1000 yen. After dropping the terminal bus stop, you will arrive at the Kitami Tohwa Hotel in less than 15 minutes walk. I will attach the guide maps later.
As the middle of August public transport and roads get jammed with people going home because a great deal of Japanese people move around due to gBonh, the Buddhist souls festival at midsummer to pay homage to the spirits of ancestors at hometowns. Nowadays some people spend these days as their vacation in foreign countries, so that the airplane also gets jammed. Therefore, it would be recommended, if possible, to book the tickets in much advance.
Organizing Committee:
Commission 04.27 Steering Committee:
Chair (Organizer) Prof. Etienne Nel, Rhodes Univ., South Africa.
Prof. Bradley Cullen, Univ. of New Mexico, USA.
Prof. Fernanda Delgado Cravidão, Coimbra Univ., Portugal.
Prof. Gareth Jones, UK.
Prof. Yasutaka Matsuo, Senshu Univ., Japan.
Prof.Stanko Pelc, Univ. of Primorska, Slovenia.
Prof. Pushkar, K. Pradhan, Tribhuvan Univ., Nepal.
Prof. Margarita Schmidt, Univ. Nacional de Cuyo, Argentina.
Prof. Ali Toumi, Tunisie.
Prof. J A(Tony) Binns, Univ. of Otago, New Zealand.
Secretary: Prof. Walter Leimgruber, Univ. de Fribourg, Suisse
Local Organizing Committee:
Local Organizer Prof. Yasutaka Matsuo, Senshu Univ.
Prof. Tohru Tamura, Muroran Institute of Technology.
Prof. Hideaki Abe, Hokkai School of Commerce.
Prof. Kiyoshi Takahashi, Kitami Institute of Technology.
Prof. Kiyoshi Kobayashi, Graduate School of Management, Kyoto Univ.
Please check the following URL.
Application Sheet of Registration,
Accommodation and Excursion
Registration: one person, two persons,
Given Name:
Given Name:
Accommodation: Please draw a circle in the box when you stay at night
Stay at night of |
19 Aug |
20 Aug |
21 Aug |
Excursion: Please draw a circle of the options that you intend to select.
Participation in the excursion from 22nd evening to 25th evening |
I do not intend to participate in the excursion |
Total Cost: yen
Please fill this sheet and send it to me as an attached file to
If you have some restrictions on the meals, please write the foodstuffs (ingredients) that you evade.
Appendix 1.
Thirty rooms are temporarily booked every day. All can be used as a single room. If you are accompanied with some person(s), please inform it and your request such as the kind of rooms to me. As for the meals restriction, please inform it to me too. URLs of the hotels are shown below.
Hotel of the night of August 22: gAbashiri-kosoh (The meaning is Hotel alongside the Lake Abashiri). All the rooms are twin types, but you can use it as a single room. As it has two kinds of large spa bathrooms additionally, you can enjoy them. Address: Yobito 78, Abashiri-shi 099-2421. Phone: 81.152 48 2311, Fax: 81.152 48 2828.
Hotel of the night of August 23: gToyo Grand Hotelh. Most areas of Hokkaido are suffering from depopulation. The central city Sapporo and the local municipality Nakashibetsu are among rare exceptions. Address: Kita 1 chome, Higashi 20 jo, Nakashibetsu-cho 018-1060. Phone: 81.153 73 1234, Fax. 81.153 73 1040.
Hotel of the night of August 24: gKushiro Tokyu Inh It is located in front of the Kushiro station. Address: 13-1-14 Kita-ohdori, Kushiro-shi 085-0015. Phone: 81.154 22 0109.